Bicycle Day Sneakers


Wrong size? Enjoy a one time 100% free size replacement!

    1. Custom printed sneakers with High-quality EVA sole for traction and exceptional durability.
    2. Lightweight construction with breathable mesh fabric.
    3. Maximum comfort and performance.
    4. Lace-up closure for a snug fit.
    1. US Delivery Time: 2 - 3 Weeks
    2. International Delivery Time: 2 - 4 Weeks
    1. 20% of every InnerArtWorld sale goes directly to the independent artist who designed the piece. Learn More »


Right Fit Guaranteed

We know it's not easy to order shoes online, that's why we are proud to add our Right Fit Guaranteed. For all shoes that fall within a 2-size misfit, we will gladly send you a new pair FREE OF CHARGE! 

Artist: Jake Kobrin

"The work of Jake Kobrin is psychedelic, unusual, dark, beautiful, and elegant. His work seeks to illuminate experiences which Jake has had that are outside of the realm of normal waking consciousness, moving into numinous and visionary realms with natural ease."